The ICGEB Meetings and Courses Programme funds, organises and promotes participation in scientific meetings, workshops and theoretical and practical courses in the Life Sciences in ICGEB Member States.
Eligibility Criteria
- By applying to the ICGEB annual call for meeting proposals, the organising Institution and the scientific Organiser accept the ICGEB Terms of Reference
- All ICGEB sponsored activities require an official endorsement by theICGEB Liaison Officer of the Member State where the specific event takes place. Applications are submitted by the ICGEB to the relevant Liaison Officer, and are not considered for review unless endorsed
Programme Activities
- ICGEB provides support for the organisation of scientific events in the Life Sciences in ICGEB Member States
- Funding is available for meetings, workshops, theoretical and practical courses, and high profile conferences aimed at disseminating scientific knowledge and enhancing interaction between scientists, the public and policy makers
- Particular attention will be given to scientific events addressing issues of interest for specific geographic regions and involving collaboration across more than one country
ICGEB Contribution
ICGEB encourages applications within one of the following five categories:
- ICGEB Meeting: organised at the ICGEB Components (Trieste, Italy; New Delhi, India; Cape Town, South Africa), ICGEB scientists as co-organisers, 250-300 participants, invited speakers and selected oral presentations, poster sessions, registration fee. Organisation by the ICGEB Conferences Unit + Maximum contribution requested Euro 50,000
- ICGEB Workshop: to be co-sponsored by the local organising Institute, 80-120 participants from laboratories working on a focused topic, oral and poster sessions. Maximum contribution requested Euro 25,000
- ICGEB Course: theoretical and/or practical, 25-50 participants and 5-10 instructors, local organising Institute to contribute both in terms of facilities, equipment and staff. Maximum contribution requested Euro 15,000
- ICGEB & The Future of Science: 1-2 days, involving 2-6 high profile leaders in the field. May involve working groups on current hot topics of particular public relevance and/or examine in a public context novel scientific developments that will impact on our society, with open communication to media and the general public. Maximum contribution requested Euro 10,000
- Sponsorship of other meetings: a limited financial contribution towards a scientific meeting organised in an ICGEB Member State on a topic of relevance to the ICGEB mandate. Maximum contribution requested Euro 5,000
Submission of Proposals
- Applications submitted without the necessary original signatures will not be considered
- All proposals are reviewed on merit and adherence to ICGEB policies
Closing Dates
28 February 2016: Deadline for submission of on-line applications to the ICGEB Conferences Unit for events to be held in 2017
31 March 2016: Deadline for receipt of proposal endorsements from the ICGEB Liaison Officers
For further information contact: ICGEB Conferences Unit, Padriciano 99, 34149 Trieste, Italy
, Tel: +39-040-3757332/7333,